March 2015

Thursday 19th March – Workshop with Carol O’Driscoll – “Drilling, Probing and Referencing”

How often do you really find out about your candidates backgrounds and their motives for engaging with you on a search? This session will cover drilling down on the screening call, probing areas of interest or concern and handling a formal reference call. It will include interactive role play – do be prepared to share your experiences too.



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What people say about us

"I have now started the programme and so far, so good. We had our first introductory call and we’ve established a call every 2-3 weeks, the second of which we’re having on Thursday. I love the initiative as it enables not only to exchange knowledge about executive search but also to meet like-minded people with shared experiences, frustrations and successes, albeit working in different sectors! I’ll be able to offer further feedback once we’ve had some more sessions."


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