Mentoring Programme and Awards

ERA Mentoring Programme ERAMP

The programme is available for ERA Members.

After the successful launch of the ERA Mentoring Programme (ERAMP) in 2021 The Executive Research Association is continuing the programme as a great member benefit. This programme has been a fantastic platform to connect, grow and advance the ERA research community at key career/business milestones using a mentoring network.

For potential mentees, this is a great opportunity for you to connect with a mentor who can offer you insight, advice, opportunity – and help you navigate the next stage/s of your career and/or business. For potential mentors, this is a great opportunity to give back, advance leadership ability, and refine your own skills and networks.

To register your interest please contact

You may wish to consider:

  • Whether you would like to be a mentor or mentee?
  • As a mentor, what can you bring to the programme? i.e., what are your areas of expertise and potential focus areas of support you can bring?
  • As a mentee, what are you looking to gain from the mentoring programme? i.e., what support would be of value?

Further details of ERAMP can be found from the link below:



The ROTY Award was created in 2013.

As a profession executive research can be left in the shadows by the more high profile role of headhunting. One of the remits of the ERA is to raise the profile of the research profession, member feedback was that an award would be a good way to recognise excellence in our sector.

Sadly one of our committee members, Stephanie Pratt, a young and promising executive researcher died in 2011 from cancer. So it felt it was fitting to create an award in her memory.

The Committee are currently considering alternative ways of  awarding professionals in the industry. The last ROTY award was granted in 2020  when a virtual event took place due to the pandemic.

Previous winners.

  • The winner of the 2020 Award – Tabitha Head – Talent Insight Group
  • The winner of the 2019 Award – Joel Wesley – Eames Partnership
  • The winner of the 2018 Award – Verity Shepley – Jeva Consulting
  • The winner of the 2017 Award – Carin Whitney – Armstrong Craven
  • The winner of the 2016 Award – Zara Sheriff – Write Research Company
  • The winner of the 2015 Award – Diana Watson – Henley Research International
  • The winner of the 2014 Award – Jenesis Squires – Research Europe
  • The winner of the 2013 Award – Sheana Dudley – Research Direct International

Why did the ERA introduce an award?

As a profession executive research can be left in the shadows by the more high profile role of headhunting. One of the remits of the ERA is to raise the profile of the research profession, member feedback was that an award would be a good way to recognise excellence in our sector.

Sadly one of our committee members, Stephanie Pratt, a young and promising executive researcher died in 2011 from cancer. So it felt it was fitting to create an award in her memory.

What people say about us

"The mentoring programme from my perspective is going well - we have had 2 Zoom sessions with a 3rd in the diary and we have set up a WhatsApp group. Ahead of each session I set an agenda - the two people have very different backgrounds and home lives, both have highlighted different short and medium-term goals, but both are interested in each other’s and are happy to share openly their thoughts on the understanding it is in the strictest of confidence as they work for different companies."


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