DECEMBER 2016 – Webinar

WEBINAR – Wednesday 14th December 1pm – 2pm (GMT) Webinar
with Martin Lee
Partner, Brain Gain Recruiting EMEA & APAC
Lead Instructor, People Sourcing ProgrammeBraingain recruiting

Free to ERA Members

LinkedIn has introduced restrictions on all accounts, free and paid. Depending on the account, members face the limits on the numbers of searches performed per month; the number of search results displayed; profile visibility; sending messages via Groups; and InMail usage, to name a few. Additionally, the recent redesigns of public profiles and Groups requires adjustments to X-Raying LinkedIn through Google.

Fortunately, most of these limitations can be overcome. In this webinar, Martin covers some of the new limitations that slow down searching and messaging on LinkedIn, and explain how to overcome each restriction. Whatever type of LinkedIn account you use, the workarounds demonstrated in this webinar will boost your productivity.


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What people say about us

"The mentoring programme from my perspective is going well - we have had 2 Zoom sessions with a 3rd in the diary and we have set up a WhatsApp group. Ahead of each session I set an agenda - the two people have very different backgrounds and home lives, both have highlighted different short and medium-term goals, but both are interested in each other’s and are happy to share openly their thoughts on the understanding it is in the strictest of confidence as they work for different companies."


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