Co-Chair of ERA

Simon Stephenson Co-Chair of the ERA stands down after 11 years with the Association, The ERA Committee would like to thank him for all his hard work over the years, he will be very much missed but he wishes to allow others to come forward into the role and we are pleased to announce that Mark Senior from Henley Research will be stepping up as Co-Chair alongside Heather Travis who has been Co-Chair for a number of  years. We very much look forward to working with Mark and we will make a presentation to Simon at the ERA Summer Party on 9th July 2014 at The Century in London.

What people say about us

Taking part in the ERA mentoring programme has been extremely rewarding. I have really enjoyed establishing a relationship with my mentee and becoming part of their career journey. We have used our monthly sessions as a springboard to discuss current work problems, work/life balance challenges, and broader long-term career planning. I have also learned a lot from them about their industry, as well as gaining some more up-to-date research tips!


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