January 2015  – Josh Kirsopp  Associate Researcher from Hays Executive continues his blog……….

It has been a while! My last update was after a month of working here at Hays. Believe it or not, it has now been over 4 months since I joined… How time flies!

During this period, I have completed multiple assignments, undertaken benchmarking projects and provided my colleagues with up-to-date information on searching the Internet: giving guidance on using Boolean, Google reverse image searching and so on. The increasing responsibility in the role is particularly exciting. It is refreshing to have reached the point where I no longer need to ask my manager for guidance on every little thing – though she may disagree!

Over the coming months, I am aiming to develop; my advanced ID techniques, enhance my understanding of search engine optimisation and time management skills. I have no doubt that as I gather experience, more gaps will appear, and more learning will be required – I consider this one of the perks of working in research!

The work is kept fresh by the differing nature of the positions I handle, and this is my favourite element of the role by a considerable margin. It avoids the monotony and boredom of a run-of-the-mill office job, and provides me with the opportunity to develop my understanding of a multitude of sectors and markets.

I cannot recommend a career in research enough – while it is challenging and difficult to keep on top of sometimes, the rewards are well worth the effort.


What people say about us

“My mentor has been fantastic Her experience, empathy, and kind and helpful way of approaching things, have been so helpful to me over the last couple of years. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her and am enormously grateful for all her guidance, help, insight and thoughts. We intend to keep in touch. Thank you so much for the opportunity to take part in this great initiative.”


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