The Value of a Premium Listing

Mark Senior – Henley Research talks about the “The Value of a Premium Listing” 

There seems to be a general consensus that economic activity in the UK has picked up in the last twelve months and that most economic indicators point to a positive year or two ahead at least.  The travails of a few difficult years remain fresh in the memory and there may well be some uncertainty as we approach a May General Election, but demand for executive research is set to remain strong.

ERA members are generally busy but, as we all know, we can never do too much marketing to secure our future pipelines.  One advantage of ERA membership is inclusion in the Researcher Directory on the ERA website which enables would-be buyers of executive research to search for an appropriate supplier – you can search by sector expertise or geographical coverage.

ERA members should also give serious consideration to having a Premium Listing in the Researcher Directory.  For a modest annual fee – the value of one enquiry which turns into a piece of work will eclipse the cost – you can obtain an enhanced listing and stand out from the crowd.  My own company, Henley Research International, benefits significantly from this with a steady stream of enquiries coming our way from visitors to the ERA site.

And as the ERA continues to expand its programme, grow its membership and increasingly be the forum for executive research professionals and buyers, the value for money of a premium listing can only enhance further.

For more information on Premium Listings contact Sarah El-Rasoul or Jan Muir


What people say about us

"I have now started the programme and so far, so good. We had our first introductory call and we’ve established a call every 2-3 weeks, the second of which we’re having on Thursday. I love the initiative as it enables not only to exchange knowledge about executive search but also to meet like-minded people with shared experiences, frustrations and successes, albeit working in different sectors! I’ll be able to offer further feedback once we’ve had some more sessions."


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