APRIL 2017 – Training Webinar

Wednesday 5th April 2017 – 1pm – 2pm (BST)

Free for ERA Members – Non Members £50

Eventbrite - ERA Webinar
Webinar with Martin Lee Partner, Brain Gain Recruiting EMEA & APAC Lead Instructor, People Sourcing Programme

In this webinar Martin shows you:

  • tools and websites that will help speed up and automate your research by finding contact information, set alerts, build search strings, scrape the web and a few in between.
  • There are 100’s of extensions and available widgets out there but some work better than others so this webinar will highlight the best ones out there.
  • Also how to search for any not included and how to manage them most effectively.
  • Q&A

All slides and links will be provided afterwards.

What people say about us

Taking part in the ERA mentoring programme has been extremely rewarding. I have really enjoyed establishing a relationship with my mentee and becoming part of their career journey. We have used our monthly sessions as a springboard to discuss current work problems, work/life balance challenges, and broader long-term career planning. I have also learned a lot from them about their industry, as well as gaining some more up-to-date research tips!


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