SEPTEMBER 2015 -ERA Summer Party & Networking Evening

Tuesday 29th September 2015

ERA Summer Party & Networking Evening

6pm – 9pm

The Anthologist Bar & Restaurant

58 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7BB

Programme details to follow – come along and meet your colleagues, thinking of joining the ERA? come along and see what we are all about over a glass of wine and some nibbles

Guest Speaker:  Kevin Green – Chief Executive Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC)

to register for your free ticket please email:

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What people say about us

"The mentoring programme from my perspective is going well - we have had 2 Zoom sessions with a 3rd in the diary and we have set up a WhatsApp group. Ahead of each session I set an agenda - the two people have very different backgrounds and home lives, both have highlighted different short and medium-term goals, but both are interested in each other’s and are happy to share openly their thoughts on the understanding it is in the strictest of confidence as they work for different companies."


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