MAY 2016 ERA Workshop with Warren Kemp

Thursday 5th May 2016 1.30pm – 4.30pm (BST)

ERA Workshop – Warren Kemp – Recruitment Matters International

Managing Teams and Time during Multiple Search Projects

Every client wants priority. Every deadline has to be met and yet few recruiters can afford to work only one role at a time. Maximising best use of your own and your team’s time is therefore crucial. This session will give you tips, techniques, tactics and tangible takeaways to help you complete search assignments in a timely fashion and develop your team along the way…

Topics will include:

Leadership & Management – qualities of great motivators

Capability – self-evaluation and that of your team

Spending the right time with your team

Time management, prioritisation and motivation

Delegation and accountability


1.30pm – 4.30pm

Member Tickets £75

Non Member £150

Eventbrite - ERA Workshop with Warren Kemp

What people say about us

I would like to thank the ERA for allowing me to continue with my ERA membership now I am retired. My membership allows me to keep in touch with new techniques and not get too rusty with my existing skills, whilst adapting to living in Israel at the same time. For me ERA's webinars are far more easy to access and absorb than many other professional webinars I've needed/wanted to watch recently. I have always found the ERA community friendly and ready to help if needed. For example the most recent ERA webinar I viewed was by Vanessa Raath who works internationally. I thoroughly enjoyed her presentation and learnt a lot. It gave us many tips that use free sources: one of which absolutely amazed me and one that I had missed over the years. To close her seminar Vannessa invited us all to contact her if we had any queries.

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