“Autumn Interactive Workshop & Sourcing Surgery”

Tuesday, 27th November 2018

1.30pm – 4.30pm  at Hays Executive 107 Cheapside London EC2V 6DN

We are running an Autumn Interactive Workshop & Sourcing Surgery on 27th November 2018

The workshop will be run by Martin Lee Principal at SourcingX and Katharine Robinson Sourcing Trainer at Sourcing Hat

It will be bespoke and interactive, you will bring your laptop/tablet and work on a live assignments

#krispy kremes #cupcakes #goody bags

Potential Topics:


Tools for efficiency

Search engines

Advanced LinkedIn

Research outside of LinkedIn

What topics interest you from this list?  Pick your own topic –  email with your thoughts


What people say about us

I continue to greatly enjoy the mentoring programme. Following a second year with the same mentor has been very valuable, insofar we have got to know much more of each other, and learnt a lot about executive search and the day to day struggles and joys of managing a team. I hope the programme will continue in the following years.


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