Webinar with Balazs Paroczay

Wednesday 7th September 2022 12pm-1pm BST

ERA member ticket FREE

Non member £50

Registration & Tickets

“Sourcing outside of LinkedIn”

Sourcing candidates is not limited to LinkedIn anymore or to job boards. The available human data is everywhere. You can find new names in groups and communities, on the attendee list of a meetup or a conference, within the networks of other people and so on. Many say: finding information is not anymore, a challenge in sourcing – well, this is partly true. The search part might have gotten easier… but processing data and working efficiently with all this information is a HUGE challenge nowadays.

Join us on this special class and learn about efficient scraping from Balazs!

Bio: Balazs Paroczay is a globally recognized Sourcing Leader, Keynote Speaker and Talent Acquisition Strategist. Over the last fifteen years, Balazs has been engaged with various global organizations helping them set up best-in-class sourcing functions and organization-wide sourcing capabilities. Balazs uses his experience helping Talent Acquisition teams improve their core sourcing and recruiting abilities to identify, attract and engage with critical talent. He excels at social networking and plays a significant role within the global sourcing communities as a sourcing thought leader, blogger and conference speaker (e.g. SourceCon, truLondon, European Sourcing Summit, UNLEASH, HRFEST etc.)

Webinar with Vanessa Raath

Wednesday 6th July 2022 @ 12pm-1pm BST

ERA member ticket FREE

Non member £50

Suitable for all levels of experience

Registration & Tickets

‘Where else to search’

  • We have the whole Internet to search on by why do we always default to LinkedIn?
  • If we don’t look on LinkedIn for candidates, where else can we look?
  • We could have a look at sourcing Talent on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and eventing websites


Vanessa Raath is an International Talent Sourcing Trainer who is passionate about training Recruiters & Sourcers to find the best talent, more effectively and efficiently than their competitors. She has trained a large number of recruitment agencies, as well as many internal Talent Acquisition Teams, in all parts of the world. Some of her clients include Twitter, Adobe and Eventbrite, to name a few. Vanessa also still actively works as a Freelance Global Talent Sourcer. She knows that by staying active and operational in this space, she is better equipped to train others to source candidates better. Her speciality lies in the Tech space as this is where her experience, and passion, lies. Currently, Vanessa is the Head Cheerleader, or Owner, of The Talent Hunter (https://www.vanessaraath.com). When she is not training Recruiters to source, or sourcing herself, you will probably find her delivering a keynote presentation on a stage near you.

New Joint Chair for the ERA

At the AGM of the Executive Research Association (ERA) on Wednesday 23 March, it was announced that Henley Managing Director, Mark Senior, would be stepping down from his role as Joint Chair. Mark will chair the ERA Annual Conference in London on 12 May before relinquishing his post. The ERA Constitution specifies that two terms of four years is the maximum period for a Chair, and Mark has been in this role since 2014.

Mark thanked his fellow committee members and those prior committee members who have served with him, and in particular mentioned Sarah El-Rasoul for her tireless work, and the two co-Chairs with whom he has worked, Heather Travis and Liz Shay.

Mark was thanked for his efforts over the years for the ERA and the Committee, in particular for raising the organisation’s profile with a range of stakeholders. Liz Shay said he had brought wisdom and innovation with great humour. Mark will remain as a Committee member and will be succeeded as Co-Chair in May by Sam Fletcher of PayPal.

Henley Research International is a longstanding member of the ERA which represents research, resourcing and Talent Insights professionals.

What people say about us

"The mentoring programme from my perspective is going well - we have had 2 Zoom sessions with a 3rd in the diary and we have set up a WhatsApp group. Ahead of each session I set an agenda - the two people have very different backgrounds and home lives, both have highlighted different short and medium-term goals, but both are interested in each other’s and are happy to share openly their thoughts on the understanding it is in the strictest of confidence as they work for different companies."


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