Online ROTY 2020 award presentation

The award for Researcher of the Year ROTY 2020 will be presented and announced at an online award presentation on Wednesday 17th June 2020 at 2pm – 2.30pm BST

All welcome free to register for this online event, register below and invite links will be sent shortly before the event.

The Award will be presented by Anthony Harling from Not Actively Looking kind sponsors of the ROTY 2020 award.

Kindly sponsored by

Our thanks to Judges

Anthony Harling – Not Actively Looking

Simon Stephenson – SRA Associates

ERA Webinar with Balazs Paroczay

Tuesday 2nd June 2020 – 1pm-2pm BST

ERA Webinar with Balazs Paroczay – Global Sourcing Strategist

“Your inner sourcing animal – and six other core research methods”

While the sourcing and recruiting industry is loudly screaming hosanna to every bit of new technology – there is too little being said about the science and art of research. It’s certainly great to have access to all these great tools, however, it is still humans that need to craft, initiate and control a search.

The most intelligent piece of technology is still our brain so let’s spend some time to hardwire our very own applications.

In this session Balazs shares those Seven Search Methods that he’s learnt from and sharpened together with various Sourcing Masters over the last 15 years.

He shares how he discovered his inner sourcing animal. He is a wolf. What is YOUR inner sourcing animal?

45 minute presentation followed by Q&A

Bio: Balazs Paroczay is a globally recognized Sourcing Leader, Keynote Speaker and Talent Acquisition Strategist. Over the last fifteen years, Balazs has been engaged with various global organizations helping them set up best-in-class sourcing functions and organization-wide sourcing capabilities. Balazs uses his experience helping Talent Acquisition teams improve their core sourcing and recruiting abilities to identify, attract and engage with critical talent. He excels at social networking and plays a significant role within the global sourcing communities as a sourcing thought leader, blogger and conference speaker (e.g. SourceCon, truLondon, European Sourcing Summit, UNLEASH, HRFEST etc.)


ERA Webinar with Todd Davis – Executive Sourcer

Tuesday 28th April 2020 3pm-4pm BST

ERA Webinar with Todd Davis – Executive Sourcer

“A Practical Guide to Building Executive Research with Free Tools and Effective Techniques” 


In this session we will look at identifying the leadership in a global organisation, what groups they align to, position levels, building and presenting the information. We are not all blessed with tools and resources for building our research. How do we execute a successful and meaningful search using open and free tools, techniques (OSINT) and resources? Let me show you.

45 minute presentation followed by Q&A


I took my first sourcing certification test in the late ’90s. At that time, I attended what was called a “computer school” and took a timed sourcing test on a computer with a dial-up connection to the internet.

I was the first external “Internet Recruiter,” as they were called at the time, hired by Microsoft in 2000. I have had the opportunity to work for Google, Amazon, Apple, Yahoo!, Starbucks, ADP, a few start-ups, and other great companies as a full-time employee and contractor during my career.

I have trained sourcing professionals and recruiters at various companies, and I am known as a sourcing expert, but I have also operated as a full-cycle recruiter. I have spoken at numerous conferences, including the HIREconf, Talent42, and I have been one of the highest-rated presenters at SourceCon. I was an invited speaker at the SourceCon All-Stars conference in March of 2016 in Orlando, FL. I have also led webinars on behalf of the ERE, CareerArc, Zapinfo, Hiretual, and others.

Additionally, I was a board member of the S7+ (Sourcing Seven) organization in Seattle, WA, for several years. I currently lead the Sun City Sourcing Society in the greater Phoenix, AZ area.

Most recently, I have held the role of Senior Sourcer, Talent Attraction, and Leadership at Indeed, and I have recently joined Salesforce as an Executive Sourcer.


What people say about us

"I have now started the programme and so far, so good. We had our first introductory call and we’ve established a call every 2-3 weeks, the second of which we’re having on Thursday. I love the initiative as it enables not only to exchange knowledge about executive search but also to meet like-minded people with shared experiences, frustrations and successes, albeit working in different sectors! I’ll be able to offer further feedback once we’ve had some more sessions."


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