ERA Webinar

ERA Webinar with Gordon Lokenberg

Tuesday 3rd March 2020 –  1PM – 2PM GMT – online webinar

FREE for members

£50 for non member

In this webinar, Gordon Lokenberg, will address:

Are the Fundamentals of Sourcing being taken over by OSINT (open source intelligence tools?)

This session will give an overview of the fundamental sourcing techniques and how OSINT tools get better and are taking over. Or are they?

This session is led by Gordon Lokenberg, The

Gordon Lokenberg is a Recruiter at global level since 1999, specialised in Sourcing and OSINT also he is a private investigator conducting Pre Employment Screenings.


ERA AGM Wednesday 25th March 2020 – online

Members only – AGM 3pm -4pm

The AGM will be held online

Members are invited to attend via go to meeting/webinar


ERA Webinar with Katrina Collier | The Searchologist

Wednesday 11th December 12pm – 1pm GMT – online webinar

Engaging Candidates In A Transparent World

First the Internet opened the door to your client’s companies, then Google for Jobs amplified it. But what does that mean to the recruitment lifecycle and your role within it?

In this webinar, candidate engagement authority Katrina Collier, will address:

  • The impact of search engines and why transparency is causing an increase in candidate ghosting
  • How to present yourself online so you look worthy of someone’s time and a response
  • How to use tools to stand out from your competition

The format will be a 30 minute presentation with plenty of time for Q&A, so be ready to get involved and ask questions.


Katrina Collier shows companies how to solve the problem of candidate engagement. HR, talent acquisition and hiring leaders don’t have an issue finding people, they have an issue evoking a response, engaging people and stopping candidates from ghosting. She is the author of The Robot-Proof Recruiter and uses her extensive industry experience to deliver keynotes and facilitate offsites globally, which inspires all those involved in the recruitment lifecycle to get on the same page and improve candidate experience.

She is also the founder of multiple DisruptHR UK events, an Ambassador for Hope for Justice aiming to end modern day slavery, and co-host of The #SocialRecruiting Show podcast. You’ll find her championing the #BeHuman cause on LinkedInFacebookTwitter and Instagram @KatrinaMCollier.

What people say about us

"The mentoring programme from my perspective is going well - we have had 2 Zoom sessions with a 3rd in the diary and we have set up a WhatsApp group. Ahead of each session I set an agenda - the two people have very different backgrounds and home lives, both have highlighted different short and medium-term goals, but both are interested in each other’s and are happy to share openly their thoughts on the understanding it is in the strictest of confidence as they work for different companies."


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