Press Release

ERA Conference and ROTY 2019

New Co-Chair for the ERA

The ERA is pleased to announce that Liz Shay has taken over as Co-Chair with immediate effect. Liz succeeds Heather Travis and she will work alongside the other Co-Chair, Mark Senior.

Liz has spent most of her career as an Executive Researcher and is currently Director of Research at international search firm The Miles Partnership, where she manages her own team of researchers. Liz has been an ERA Committee member since 2015 and has been active in a number of areas, including boosting membership and involvement with the ROTY (Researcher of the Year) award.  We all wish Liz good luck in this new role and we are sure she will make a big impact.

The departing Co-Chair, Heather Travis has held this role since 2006, working alongside Simon Stephenson and more recently Mark Senior. Heather has made a huge and invaluable contribution to the growth and success of the ERA in so many ways, but not least through her enthusiasm, ideas and knowledge, as well as her network of valuable contacts.  The ERA is delighted that Heather is continuing as a member of the Committee and we would all like to extend our sincere thanks for her input over many years as Co-Chair.

Conference & ROTY 2019

What people say about us

“My mentor has been fantastic Her experience, empathy, and kind and helpful way of approaching things, have been so helpful to me over the last couple of years. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her and am enormously grateful for all her guidance, help, insight and thoughts. We intend to keep in touch. Thank you so much for the opportunity to take part in this great initiative.”


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