April 2015

1st April – Beginners Guide to Research Course Part 2

1.30pm – 4.30pm at Hays Executive, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN

Trainer: Stephen Buchanan – Research Europe

Course Content: Identification of Candidates – Getting past the Gatekeeper – Handling Objections.

Online Ticketing for Beginners Guide to Research Course – Session 2 powered by Eventbrite

ERA CONFERENCE 2015 – Wednesday 22nd April 2015

The ERA 13th Annual Conference – Sadler’s Wells Theatre London EC1R 4TN 10.30am – 5.15pm


  • 10.30am Registration & Refreshments followed by  welcome by ERA Joint Chairman – Mark Senior
  • 11.00am Speaker Presentation – Johnny Campbell – Chief  Sourcing Ninja at Social Talent
  • 11.45am Gold Sponsor Presentations
  • 12.00pm Roundtable discussions Group 1 & 2
  • 1.00pm Lunch
  • 2.00pm Mini Workshop Sessions Group 1 & 2
  • 3.00pm Comfort break
  • 3.15pm Speaker Presentation – Mark Williams – aka Mr Linkedin
  • 4.00pm Presentation of The Researcher of the Year Award & closing address
  • 4.30pm Networking – wine & nibbles

Johnny Campbell – Social Talent

Beyond finding names – finding better quality people quicker – various ways of engagement – ascertaining closer fit of candidates – speed of process – new challenges we will face in next 5 years and how we will need to change our skill sets. 

 “I have worked as a Recruiter in Ireland and the Caribbean for the last 15 years but now run Social Talent, the world’s leading provider of Online Recruitment Training. 

We want to change the way that organisations identify talent globally by translating technology and educating front line recruiters through a premium, personalised and practical online learning experience. Our promise is to deliver the world’s best and most practical recruitment training in a consistent, high quality format, personalised by: who you are, where you are based and what you recruit for. Our expertise is in identifying and delivering the benefits of a Web 3.0 world to the recruitment industry.

Our customers are recruitment agencies, corporate recruiters, headhunters, the HR and marketing departments of hiring organisations and providers of technology solutions to the recruitment industry. We train recruiters in how to source passive candidates and we advise organisations on how to leverage social media, SaaS technology and video to source, attract and engage talent globally. We help companies and recruiters to source talent through social media and the web. We enable recruiters and hiring organisations to tap into the “passive” candidate market, which represents over 80% of the total labour pool, by providing them with the tools to source directly from the internet, by building talent communities on social media and helping corporates to develop and market their “employer brand” online in the places where their target audience spend the most time, namely social media. We want to change the way that organisations identify talent globally by translating technology and educating front line recruiters through a premium, personalised and practical online learning experience. 

Our online recruitment training portal (MySocialTalent.com) is an expansive “bible” of everything you need to make the most out of online tools to identify, attract and engage with top talent globally.Top Recruiters at Oracle, Paypal, Twitter, Accenture, Adecco, Hays and Manpower leverage Social Talent’s online recruitment training to ensure that they hire top talent and outperform their peers. My job is to think of new ways that technology and Web 3.0 tools can help the recruitment profession and teach others through blogging, webinars, consulting and training. I also try to make sure that the team at Social Talent have fun, break things and go home at the end of each day feeling like we have made a difference to our industry, however small   

Mark Williams aka Mr LinkedIn

With over half of the UK working population signed up its fair to state that LinkedIn is now well and truly mainstream.  Whilst this is obviously good news for recruiters it also means that searching and finding people on LinkedIn is also becoming a commonplace activity and this has the potential downside of devaluing the services of recruiters, researchers and resourcers….unless they learn to use LinkedIn in different ways. 

In this session Mark will explain why we need to become better online networkers and place a high emphasis on building stronger relationships through achieving ‘Know, Like Trust’ online. Mark’s experience of working with professionals from a wide range of disciplines (recruitment, sales, HR, marketing and entrepreneurs) and across many sectors has allowed him to learn techniques that allow us to become a stronger and more valuable resource to our clients, line managers and employers.

Roundtable Discussion 12pm Schedule Group 1 – Independent/Freelance Researchers

Recommended attendance for independents and firms providing research -Facilitated by Stephen Buchanan – Research Europe

  • Use of Associates – what if the client just wants you? How do you recruit and retain researchers?
  • How do you handle a difficult client? How and when do you say no to clients?
  • Do you work on a fixed fee or day rate or both? On average how much free billing time do you put into assignments around admin etc – our last survey suggested this was as much as 20% How do you negotiate extra time if required on assignments?
  • Does your business use a database and if so how do you use it to its full potential does it have client access?  Can it be operated on the move?
  • What are the considerations involved in diversifying from working with search firms to corporates directly?

Roundtable Discussion 12pm  Schedule Group 2 – In-house Researchers

Recommended attendance for researchers working in search firms -Facilitated by Louise Haines – HAYS Executive

  • How do you handle a difficult consultant? Do you have strategies for saying no to consultants?
  • Do your Researchers get involved with timetabling or is this left to the Consultants? How much contact do you and your researchers have with the client and is this desirable?
  • How do you monitor time spent by researchers on particular searches? Do you get Researchers to fill in timesheets?
  • How do you recruit and retain researchers in a competitive market place? What is the career progression in place for Researchers within your business?
  • Does the business use a database to its full potential? Does it have client access?  Can it be operated on the move?

Mini Workshop Session 2pm – Group 1 Schedule

Optimising Candidate Response Online -Adam Gordon – MD Social Media Search

Adam Gordon, is Managing Director of Social Media Search, a Norman Broadbent plc company which works with some of the UK’s top employers to help them find and inspire potential candidates. He is a recruitment marketing and communications expert who has worked in management consulting at PwC and at recruitment marketing company Havas People.

This session‘optimising candidate response online’, will focus on the things you can do to encourage more potential candidates to respond to your initial outreach. This will include:

  • Ensuring you and the business you represent look compelling online
  • Grading the various online channels to suit the audience you’re targeting
  • Language techniques which will help you achieve influence
  • Auto Trader case study

Please submit any specific questions or challenges in advance to adamgordon@socialmediasearch.co.uk and he will endeavour to address them.

Mini Workshop Session 2pm – Group 2 –Schedule

New Google new Challenges -Karen Blakeman – Freelance Consultant RBA Information Services

Karen Blakeman started her working life with a degree in microbiology from the University of Birmingham and a posting at the Colindale Central Public Health Laboratory for 2 years as a Scientific Officer. In 1978 she joined Wellcome as an information scientist in R&D. Two years later she joined Novo as a medical information officer and then moved to the international management consultancy Strategic Planning Associates. She became a freelance consultant in 1989.

She now provides training and consultancy on social and collaborative web tools, how to search more effectively for information, and how to assess and manage resources. Her current workshops include “How to make Google behave” and “Anything but Google: what are the alternatives and are they any good?”

This session will look at recent changes and developments in the search engine and social media world, and how they affect the way we work.

New Google, new challenges

  • What has been the impact of EU legislation on the search engines?
  • Searching via Twitter – has it got any easier?
  • What’s happening with Facebook search?
  • What’s new in the world of alternative search engines

Online Ticketing for ERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015 – Researcher of the Year Award 2015 powered by Eventbrite

June 2015

10th June – Beginners Guide to Research Course Part 3

1.30pm – 4.30pm at Hays Executive, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN


Trainer: Stephen Buchanan – Research Europe

Course Content:

Engaging with Candidates 

Qualification of Candidates 


Candidate experience & Trouble Shooting

Online event registration for Beginners Guide to Research Course – Session 3 powered by Eventbrite

What people say about us

“My mentor has been fantastic Her experience, empathy, and kind and helpful way of approaching things, have been so helpful to me over the last couple of years. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her and am enormously grateful for all her guidance, help, insight and thoughts. We intend to keep in touch. Thank you so much for the opportunity to take part in this great initiative.”


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