ERA Conference 2024

Registration & Tickets – BOOK HERE

ERA Member in person ticket £75
Non Member in person ticket £150

ERA Member online £75
Non Member online £150

SPECIAL OFFER TICKET FOR NON MEMBER – Non Member/ Guest In Person (with annual ERA Membership, saving £100 on your conference ticket price. The ERA Annual Membership fee is £175)
Price: £225 – Buy this ticket to save £100 off your conference ticket and become an ERA member to gain access to monthly training webinars, mentoring, and access to our video library of previous training and webinars among other benefits.
Benefits of membership


09.30-10.00 Registration & refreshments

10.00-10.15 Welcome ERA Co Chair – Liz Shay

10.15-10.50 Keynote Speaker presentation

Johnny Campbell – CEO @ Social Talent

“The AI Edge: How Expert Exec Recruiters are really using AI”

10.55-11.35 Workshop Session

Gabi Preston-Phypers – Co-Founder @ Tooled Up Raccoons

“How to pick the right technique to help you optimise your candidate discovery?”

11.40-12.15 Speaker presentation

Theo Smith – Founder @ Neurodiversity at Work

“Neurodiversity at Work: Unleashing Potential in Every Mind”

 12.20-12.40 Gold Sponsor presentation

Jason Starr CEO @ Dillistone Group Plc

“Candidate Research In A Post X-Ray World!”



14.05-14.50 Panel: “Diversity”

Caroline Grayson Nugent – Head of Board & Executive Recruitment @ Wise Plc

Milimo Banji – Founder @ TapIn

Molly Johnson-Jones  – CEO & Founder @ Flexa Career

 14.55-15.15 Gold Sponsor Presentation

Heidi Braun, Senior Solutions Consultant @ Cluen

“The Impact of AI on Executive Search – Five Years Later”



 15.40-16.15 Speaker Presentation

Lee Holbrook – Engineering Talent Sourcing Manager @ Microsoft

“Microsoft’s Talent Sourcing Transformation”

 16.20-16.55 Final Speaker Presentation

Kevin Green – Chief People Officer @ First Bus a division of FirstGroup Plc

“The Triple threat of Talent, skills and labour shortages”

17.00-17.30 Closing address

Networking refreshments, nibbles and a glass of

Champagne to celebrate our 40th anniversary



Webinar with Morna Ronnie

Wednesday 15th November 2023 @ 12pm GMT

ERA member ticket FREE

Non-member £50

Registration & Tickets

Webinar with Morna Ronnie Founder of The People Portfolio

TOPIC: “Why Menopause Matters at Work”

In this session we will cover:

Menopause the facts – some statistics about the taboo that exists about menopause and how it affects women at work, why is it such a “hot” topic now?  Some definitions

Symptoms of Menopause – an individual experience

Why we need to talk about menopause in the workplace – the demographic case, the business case, the legal case, the social responsibility case

What does being a menopause friendly employer mean?



Morna’s 30-year career to date has involved supporting people in a range of ways, from recruitment to outplacement and psychometrics to training & development.  Since becoming freelance in 2020, when she founded The People Portfolio, she has designed and facilitated a range of learning and development programmes including Women Returner programmes for women of menopausal age coming back to work after a career break, and the award winning Be Your Best Self programme of personal development for women in agriculture, which was funded by The Scottish Government.  She has recently project managed a Menopause Awareness Project for a large social care charity including training hundreds of managers and colleagues.  She is a Menopause Workplace Trainer Licensed by Henpicked, delivering their CPD accredited training.

She is passionate about making all workplaces menopause friendly and enjoys facilitating groups and running training courses both in -person and virtually.  Her style is engaging and interactive which allows this previously taboo subject to be shared and support offered in a way which is comfortable for everyone.

Webinar with Vanessa Raath

Tuesday 6th February 2024 @ 12pm GMT

ERA member ticket FREE

Non member £50

Suitable for all levels of experience

Title – How to use AI smartly to free up more time to Be Human

Are you also tired of hearing about AI? It’s everywhere these days! I don’t believe that AI is going to steal our jobs but I do believe that if we use it sensibly, we can free up a lot more time for us to be more human!

Join this webinar to learn about different types of Generative AI and how we can use these tools to take on some of our very admin-focused tasks. You do not want to miss this session if you want to get ahead of your competitors’

Registration & Tickets

Vanessa Raath is an International Talent Sourcing Trainer who is passionate about training Recruiters & Sourcers to find the best talent, more effectively and efficiently than their competitors. She has trained a large number of recruitment agencies, as well as many internal Talent Acquisition Teams, in all parts of the world. Some of her clients include Twitter, Adobe and Eventbrite, to name a few. Vanessa also still actively works as a Freelance Global Talent Sourcer. She knows that by staying active and operational in this space, she is better equipped to train others to source candidates better. Her speciality lies in the Tech space as this is where her experience, and passion, lies. Currently, Vanessa is the Head Cheerleader, or Owner, of The Talent Hunter ( When she is not training Recruiters to source, or sourcing herself, you will probably find her delivering a keynote presentation on a stage near you.

What people say about us

"The mentoring programme from my perspective is going well - we have had 2 Zoom sessions with a 3rd in the diary and we have set up a WhatsApp group. Ahead of each session I set an agenda - the two people have very different backgrounds and home lives, both have highlighted different short and medium-term goals, but both are interested in each other’s and are happy to share openly their thoughts on the understanding it is in the strictest of confidence as they work for different companies."


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