ERA Workshop with Carolyn Howitt

Wednesday 12th October 2022 @ 12pm – 1pm BST

ERA member ticket FREE

Non member £50

This will be an interactive workshop suitable for all levels of executive researchers

Discover your superpowers

Practical online Strengths Workshop for research staff in executive search


Most people don’t know what their strengths are or how to put them to work. Based on the practical, research-underpinned Strengths Profile™, we will start to investigate what you do well and love to do. We will also consider strengths that you don’t enjoy and actually want to do less. And how to own the things that you are NOT good at.

Our aim is that you leave this session with 3 strengths-related personal goals to work on.

Being able to articulate your strengths will help you to unlock your full potential, perform better and make more informed career choices in the future.

Session outline

Before the session

All participants will be sent in advance of the session a link to a private, personal online workspace to use during the session (and afterwards as needed).

If you are happier completing the exercise using paper & pencil then that is fine!

In the session

  1. Group introductions and confidentiality agreement.
  2. Why know your Strengths? Some practical applications for this exercise.

Hands-on activity (online using Mural app)

  1. Introducing some of the main Strengths. Select a few of your top Strengths from these.
  2. Share one of these with the group (if you want to) in the chat.
  3. Discussion about and examples of some of our top Strengths in action.
  4. Formulate a Strengths Goal based on your selection.
  5. Select a Weakness. Learn how to tackle it – or better still, ignore it! [we do not share Weaknesses].
  6. Formulate a Weakness goal based on your selection.
  7. Introduction to Learned Behaviours (Strengths that drain your energy). Select one of yours to study in more detail.
  8. Share one of these with the group (if you want to) in the chat.
  9. Formulate a Learned Behaviours goal based on your selection.
  10. Goal review and finish.

Carolyn offers free 1:1 follow-up calls if wished, as well as the chance to complete a full Strengths Profile.


Carolyn studied at King’s College London and UCL. A trained teacher, her first career was at the British Museum, where she was responsible for teaching young audiences using digital resources.

She began her executive search career in 2013, firstly as a researcher in the infrastructure and energy finance sector, before moving to Trinity Scott as a freelance researcher and careers advisor to executive search researchers in 2017.

In 2019 she completed the Core Skills in Career Coaching training, run by Career Counselling Services (accredited by the Association for Counselling). After this she set up her own business, Career Path Counselling. She continues to fit freelance research around her counselling practice, currently she is working for a search-to-search firm finding potential Partners across North America & Europe.

She has just completed the CCS ‘Balance’ program, which aims to help people gain better clarity, training and working relationships within their current organisations.

She loves hearing about what people do, and is passionate about helping every person that she speaks to reach their fullest career potential.

Webinar with Balazs Paroczay

Wednesday 7th September 2022 12pm-1pm BST

ERA member ticket FREE

Non member £50

Registration & Tickets

“Sourcing outside of LinkedIn”

Sourcing candidates is not limited to LinkedIn anymore or to job boards. The available human data is everywhere. You can find new names in groups and communities, on the attendee list of a meetup or a conference, within the networks of other people and so on. Many say: finding information is not anymore, a challenge in sourcing – well, this is partly true. The search part might have gotten easier… but processing data and working efficiently with all this information is a HUGE challenge nowadays.

Join us on this special class and learn about efficient scraping from Balazs!

Bio: Balazs Paroczay is a globally recognized Sourcing Leader, Keynote Speaker and Talent Acquisition Strategist. Over the last fifteen years, Balazs has been engaged with various global organizations helping them set up best-in-class sourcing functions and organization-wide sourcing capabilities. Balazs uses his experience helping Talent Acquisition teams improve their core sourcing and recruiting abilities to identify, attract and engage with critical talent. He excels at social networking and plays a significant role within the global sourcing communities as a sourcing thought leader, blogger and conference speaker (e.g. SourceCon, truLondon, European Sourcing Summit, UNLEASH, HRFEST etc.)

Webinar with Vanessa Raath

Wednesday 6th July 2022 @ 12pm-1pm BST

ERA member ticket FREE

Non member £50

Suitable for all levels of experience

Registration & Tickets

‘Where else to search’

  • We have the whole Internet to search on by why do we always default to LinkedIn?
  • If we don’t look on LinkedIn for candidates, where else can we look?
  • We could have a look at sourcing Talent on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and eventing websites


Vanessa Raath is an International Talent Sourcing Trainer who is passionate about training Recruiters & Sourcers to find the best talent, more effectively and efficiently than their competitors. She has trained a large number of recruitment agencies, as well as many internal Talent Acquisition Teams, in all parts of the world. Some of her clients include Twitter, Adobe and Eventbrite, to name a few. Vanessa also still actively works as a Freelance Global Talent Sourcer. She knows that by staying active and operational in this space, she is better equipped to train others to source candidates better. Her speciality lies in the Tech space as this is where her experience, and passion, lies. Currently, Vanessa is the Head Cheerleader, or Owner, of The Talent Hunter ( When she is not training Recruiters to source, or sourcing herself, you will probably find her delivering a keynote presentation on a stage near you.